Category Archives: Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning Time!

An often overlooked but super important part of your office cleaning program is window cleaning!

We are talking interior and exterior windows here. Smudges, streaks, fingerprints, dirt and hard water buildup can make a clean office look dirty. Regular glass and window cleaning will not only brighten the appearance of your office and boost your company’s image, but clean windows allow more natural light in, and with winter looming ahead we can use all the natural light we can get, right?

Routine cleaning of your interior windows and office glass can really add that extra “we care” look to your office. Customers notice dirty, filmy, fingerprinted windows! Do you have odd sized or shaped windows? AQC can make them shine! Even those hard to reach windows are no problem. You should clean your windows, inside and out, every 3 to 6 months.

Hey, don’t forget outdoor windows need extra attention on a regular basis too! Do you really think the rain will clean your windows? NOT!

Blowing dirt, rain water, water runoff and sprinklers can cause major streaks and spottiness can send a message that you don’t take pride in your building! Hard water can leave mineral deposits and stains on windows that look like a whitish, spotty haze. Hey our Portland winters can be very dreary, let alone looking out a dirty hazy window. And when we get a break from the rain the sun can make these spots very difficult to remove, and over time your windows will develop a deeper cloudiness. Regular cleaning will keep buildup at bay and your windows clear.

Landscaping and trees can also contribute to those filthy windows. If your office is on the ground floor, grass, dirt and mud can get splattered on windows after landscapers cut grass or trim bushes near your offices. Just as susceptible are the second and higher floors. Wind and rain can cause dirt and leaves to get stuck on upper windows and sills resulting in a dirty unkempt look to your building.

The Cost of Not Cleaning Windows

Putting off or choosing to not clean your windows will drive up the cleaning costs when you do get after them. Why? The added buildup requires more scrubbing to get them to come clean… Setting up a routine window cleaning and maintenance program can drop your routine maintenance costs an average of 20-30%, if not more.

AQC can evaluate your window cleaning needs and design a schedule to keep your windows sparkling and your budget happy! Interested? Contact us at 503.516.2477 today for more information or to schedule your window cleaning!