7 Tricks to Spring Clean Your Office

Like it or not, your office is where you spend a big portion of your day. A recent study found that there is a correlation between how clean your office is and the amount of work you can get done each day. If you’re not lucky enough to have a commercial cleaning company on hand to do the cleaning for you, we’re going to show you 7 simple tricks you can use to make spring-cleaning your office a little easier.

#1 Start Small

No matter the size of your office, the best way to get started is to start small. Don’t think about the amount of work you have to do in order to clean the whole office; instead think about how little time it’ll take to clean that one bookshelf or that one corner. Each little bit you do will contribute to getting the larger job done.

#2 Avoid Clean Clutter

We all need our stuff, and we like it close by. However it is important that you actually have room to work. Only keep what is absolutely necessary within arm’s reach. Obviously this will include you computer, your writing utensils, and your pad of paper.

#3 Find a Place to Put Your Paper

The floor is not a filing system, no matter how hard you might try to make it one. Obtain file cabinets and desk baskets to store needed paperwork so that it doesn’t end up strewn all over your office.

#4 Get Rid of Unnecessary Stuff

Stuff is great, but you don’t need it all in your office. If you don’t use it or don’t need it, get rid of it. If you can’t stand to part with it, take it home or put it into office storage.

#5 The Drawers of Catch All

Office drawers are the equivalent of a closet. You shove stuff in there to keep it out of sight and out of mind. But that’s a messy system, and it’s inefficient. Go through your drawers and organize. Get rid of detritus and unnecessary items. This way, even if the rest of your office is a mess, your drawers will be clean.

#6 Your Computer Office Needs Cleaning Too

If you’re your own IT department, then you’ll need to take care of things like virus scans, defragmentation of the hard drives, and organizing electronic files. Our best tip for this, is to simply remember that the Windows desktop area is not a folder to store everything on your computer.

#7 Find Your Zen

What is clean to one person is a mess to another. It’s a deep thought, but extremely true. Know what is the right amount of clean for you, and then shoot for that goal. Not every person functions the same, and if a little bit of organized clutter actually makes you more productive, then that’s what you should aim for.

Always remember that if it gets too out of control and self-organized spring cleaning is out of the question, you can always look for a commercial cleaning company to come help, such as Always Quality Cleanings in Portland OR. Let us help make your office “spring fresh” all the time!